
Welcome to YungBlood Games. My name is Kevin Hoos. The games that you find here, I have personally created. I hope that you enjoy playing them as much as I do myself.

Please keep watch on this site, for it will be the first place to learn the moment one of my games is ready to be sold.

Marble War

While there are other games that may be similar, Marble War is set apart by the freedom it gives you. You get to choose the path you take as you race from your home to your finish. You aren't just running around the same old track each time.

I'm almost ready to start selling this game.


HexaChess takes Chess to a whole new level. First, it allows up to 6 people to play Chess on one board. Second, it changes the entire board. Instead of squares, the board is made up of hexagons. With the change in board, it's like a whole new dimension. All the pieces take on new directions. In my humble opinion, it is by far the best game that I've come up with. It's basic development took over a year, and another year of refining through play-testing.

I'm almost ready to start selling this game.